Story-time…what inspired me to start this blogging adventure

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Published on June 19th, 2021 by author Tracy Cyril

From my secondary schools days it was brought to my attention by my teachers and some colleagues that my writing skills were on the strong side. I was totally immersed by essay writing or just putting random thoughts together to create an organic story. After reading most of my favorite novels; I daydreamed of writing my own novel in the future. Moving onto College years the skill improved and I was then introduced to the fundamentals of blogging, documentation process for newspaper articles, reporting and retrieving precise information from complicated pieces of writing.

After producing a few blogs during my college years; the process of researching, topic exploration, editing, personal experience, knowledge and expertise I was inspired that blogging is something I can take to its highest level. Listed below are a collective of things that inspired me to start this blogging adventure:

  • Desire to share personal experiences whether good, bad or indifferent
  • Form of expression
  • Love for writing and story telling
  • A platform to engage others in provoking thoughts, current topics, travel, lifestyle and education
  • Organize my thoughts and learn
  • Build rapport and attract an audience
  • As a form of inspiration for others thinking of starting a blog or any other venture
Photo credit: Jena/Live Core Strong – Pinterest

I am here to tell you though, when I started I did have some doubts; questions probed my mind such as – how will I keep my audience engaged? Will I always have interesting topics? What would be my wow factor compared to existing blogs? How would I handle writers’ block? Some of those doubts still bother me up to today however here I am still here writing. To those thinking of starting a blog, take my silly advice and just take the first step and start writing, stop the doubts in their track and just press forward.

Every topic I have written about thus far has brought me so much joy; from the topic choice, preparation, research and yes when the writers block attacks. I feel a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment that I can share my two cents with several persons and to some it came at the right time, they are able to relate and the information or experience was so helpful to them.

Photo Credit: Your Tango/ Pinterest

Below are a few tips of what is needed but not required to start your blog:

  • Create a name for your blog
  • Register and get hosting and domain
  • Choose a topic that interests you
  • Write and publish your first blog; make it interesting and engaging
  • Continue to produce quality content
  • Stay current with your topics and writing skills
  • Engage your audience regarding topics they would like to discuss and explore
Photo credit: Coffee at Tiffani’s/Pinterest

So there you have it faithful readers, as always I want to thank you for your continued love and support. Eternally humble and grateful. Hopefully this article has inspired most and I look forward to your feedback, remember your feedback fuels my spirit to continue creating these interesting, entertaining and engaging stories.

Peace and Blessings xxoo

1 Comment

  1. Dawn L. says:

    Awesome Tracy! You definitely have it in you! Your positive spirit is always refreshing! You know how to problem solve and get to where you want to be. I like your perseverance as well. Very inspiring indeed.

    Thanks for pushing me to that step of finalizing my cooking blog which has been on hold for over 6 mths!

    I will start!

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