Do you believe in love languages? Which one identifies to you..

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Published by author Tracy Cyril on February 20th, 2022

Love languages are ways in which one person expresses their love to another. We are such diverse individuals with different ways we receive and give love. Love languages are not the only expression of love and it may not work for everyone. Let us discuss the familiar forms of love languages.

Love Languages

  • Gifts: expression of love by giving a thoughtful item
  • Acts of Service: demonstrate affection with thoughtful gestures
  • Words of Affirmation: expression of love with meaningful words
  • Quality time: Engaging with partner by spending time together
  • Physical touch: affection shown by physical contact
Photo credit: ReadingGraphics/Pinterest

Pros of using love languages

  • Creates empathy
  • Promotes personal growth
  • Maintains intimacy
  • Promotes selfless-ness
  • Share love in a thoughtful way

Cons of using love languages

  • It may not work for everyone
  • Can be used in a manipulative way
  • It can be difficult to main over time
  • It can not be used as the main tool, it will be more effective used along with other forms of communication
  • Can lead to imbalance; when one person is expected to be the giver and the other the receiver
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Love languages help you discover how to express yourself as well as understand what your partner needs. During that discovery process meaningful expressions of love can help build and flourish your relationship. Partners have to be genuine and consistent with their acts of kindness in order to receive the best outcome. You may have one love language to receive love and a different one to give love.

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I am a firm believer that love languages can help develop and improve relationships however it can not be a stand alone tool. Effective communication still remains the top contender in my books. Love languages are not for everyone and your relationship can still be blissful without the use of the love languages. There is no wrong or right way to express your love; as long as it is pure, clear and authentic. My love languages are Quality Time and physical touch, what is yours?

Photo credit: Desverdando Segredos/Pinterest


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