You getting on my last nerve! #triggerpointalert

Accountability in Relationships
March 20, 2020
Vision board diaries
March 29, 2020
Accountability in Relationships
March 20, 2020
Vision board diaries
March 29, 2020

Published by author Tracy Cyril on March 24th, 2020

We are all familiar with situations involving our buttons being pushed; occurs at work, public places or at home. The term “Buttons being pushed” I mean that particular individual made us so angry by saying something to us or performing an act that we do not approve of or appreciate.

My understanding of trigger point is the process whereby a particular emotion is induced or brought upon by an individual due to the words or actions from another. In most cases the reasons beneath the anger from the trigger are fear, pain, loneliness, insecurities, trauma and lack of control and so on.

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Below are some common trigger that causes an individual to act out in an angry manner;

  • When someone ignores you
  • When someone blames you for incident
  • When someone is trying to control you
  • When someone is needy towards you, sometimes smothers you

I can relate to two of these triggers mentioned above. In my past experiences I have become rather irate when someone tried to control me. I was in a relationship and my partner insisted on manipulating my every move. My personality is of an independent individual and I was used to making my own plans and navigating my life in a particular manner. I did not handle that behavior very well; we were in constant arguments and that caused a heavy breakdown in the relationship.

The second trigger which affected me in the past would be when someone blamed me for something with no solid proof or evidence. In my work setting a coworker reported to Management of an incident that transpired and blamed me as the source of the information and conviction of staff member. A complaint was brought in about a coworker; no name was given for the coworker involved neither the person reporting the incident. I was the one that received the call, I had to complete a detailed report regarding all information given regarding the incident. However another coworker who was not at work on that particular day reports to Management that I had seen the whole incident and I had announced the name of the coworker involved amongst other coworkers.

Process your body and mind goes through while experiencing a trigger point: after the person speaks or behaves in a manner that upsets you.

  • the brain sends messages with a reason for a reaction, may not be a valid or rational reason.
  • You react verbally, could be an outburst; scream, shout or swear or an action maybe storms out of the room or facial expression changes or throws an item at individual or at no one.
  • In some situations; then comes rational thinking, revision of situation and an apology maybe next or some level of communication regarding incident.

Please see below some helpful ways to calm down during trigger points:

  • Breathe
  • Admit that you are anxious or angry
  • Challenge your thoughts
  • Tapping method
  • Change your focus
  • Release anxiety
  • Visualize your calm self
Photo credit: energyandhealing/Pinterest

Thank you beloveds for reading and sharing feedback. I appreciate you! Hope this article helped in some way. Peace and Blessings


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