“No time for complaining; Start saving gasoline now!’

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Published by author Tracy Cyril on May 13, 2022

We are all feeling the pinch of this current gas spike. The best we can do is to find effective ways to take responsibility to save and make wise decisions regarding the usage of gasoline. We need to stop using energy to complain and start being proactive and make the best of this crisis. We can only control what is in our power; which is our actions to any situation. The rise and fall of the gas prices are not determined by us. Use the tips listed below to make this calamity manageable –

  • Keep the windows down instead of use of air condition
  • For those who are unable to manage without the use of air-condition; lower the fan speed when in use
  • Maintain your tire pressure
  • Do no ignore the “check engine” light signal
  • Carry less items in the back seat and trunk of the car
  • Change your air filter regularly
  • Use the recommended grade of oil for your car
  • Keep track of your fuel consumption
  • Do not let car idle for long periods
  • Avoid speeding
  • Keep a log of your mileage
  • Modify your commute
  • Drive less – minimize errands
  • Do not wait until tank is empty to refill

Hopefully these tips are helpful. Continue to do the best with what you have. This crisis will eventually come to an end however during the journey practice adjusted or new patterns to save as much as you can. Pour your time and energy into more valuable exercises. Quit the complaining! you are surviving and will get through this hurdle. Love and Light




1 Comment

  1. D Vitalis says:

    Like these tips…we all need all the help we can get to navigate these times

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