Passion vs Purpose are they the same or do they compliment each other?

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“No time for complaining; Start saving gasoline now!’
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Published by author Tracy Cyril on June 25, 2022

These are two familiar terms that bears difference however at times must compliment each other. Purpose is described as our reason for being, our mere existence; what motivates our actions. While Passion is what brings us joy, what excites us, what we love to do. In my experience I discovered my passion when I landed my first job in the Hospitality industry – meeting so many people from all over the world and sharing my culture with them brought so much joy on a daily basis. Learning and understanding all elements that complete the Hospitality sector never felt like any extra effort or sacrifice for me. I was always excited to be there and complete my daily tasks; and was constantly looking forward to different challenges presented to me.

However in all my bliss at work I still felt unfulfilled. Clueless as to why that feeling lingered when I was doing something I love. Fast forward to a few years later when I discovered my purpose – helping and sharing guidance to persons regarding their passion, purpose and self discovery in the form of a Life Coach. I realized that passion without purpose was an incomplete equation for me. So in my experience see below for ;

Ways to identify your passion

  • Examine what you love to do
  • Recognize your patterns
  • Things that you engage in during your free time
  • what brings you joy
  • what brings out your creativity
  • These activities that cause you to expand your knowledge in
Photo Credit:

Ways to find your purpose

  • recognize your talents and strengths
  • helping others
  • listening to others
  • surrounding yourself with positive people
  • reflect on what matters the most
  • discover where your passion lies

Difference between Passion and Purpose

  • Passion (is your WHAT) Purpose (is your WHY)
  • Passion (can burn over time) Purpose (is for a lifetime)
  • Passion (could be different things) Purpose (one main thing)
Photo Credit: Shay Taree/

So this here is my two cents on the topic – Based on my experiences I strongly believe it is recommended to identify your passion first and that will lead you to your purpose. It may not work for everyone in that order but it did for me. Hope this article has brought some clarity regarding Passion vs Purpose. Looking forward to hearing your experience and feedback. Thank you for your love and support.

Love and Light

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