Why is an apology important? Is saying “sorry” enough..

Strolling through palm trees central aka vibrant West Palm Beach
July 27, 2022
Pale Lang Manman ou – Speak your mother tongue
December 3, 2022
Strolling through palm trees central aka vibrant West Palm Beach
July 27, 2022
Pale Lang Manman ou – Speak your mother tongue
December 3, 2022

Published by author Tracy Cyril on September 21st, 2022

The term apology means the acknowledgement of unacceptable behavior towards an individual. Expression of regret and seeking forgiveness with all efforts to not repeat this behavior in the future.

This is a very sensitive topic for me. I struggled with apologizing for years – mainly because of shame, fear and hurt. Most situations I felt the other person had done me wrong. It ate me up for a while because I valued these relationships; and I was stuck between apologizing and tainting the relationship or not apologizing; creating distance and still damaging the relationship.

However it was on my priority list to work on that and do better so during my healing journey I gained wisdom and insight and I am doing much better. Having the same exact thing done to me – persons refusing to apologize when they offend me; my growth allowed me to better able to cope and understand. Hopefully I can shed some light on the topic and provide guidance to those who need it.

Purpose of apology

  • helps repair relationships
  • take accountability for behavior that led to hurting someone
  • show respect to the person offended
  • regain trust from person offended
  • seek forgiveness

Why is it difficult to apologize

  • shame and fear
  • do not believe they did anything wrong
  • apologies open room for vulnerability
  • can cause further scrutiny and conflict
  • not willing or comfortable in correcting the behavior

Sincere apologies should

  • be backed up by changed behavior
  • open the door for forgiveness
  • Identify and acknowledge the behavior
  • apology should not include “but”
  • not intent to lay blame

We all have been on both ends receiver and giver of an apology. To some an apology means nothing – to me and a few of you it is important. If that person values your friendship they will make an effort to apologize. The “I am sorry” is not enough for me either; most times person will just say they are sorry to get over with it; it lacks sincerity and the behavior can repeat itself. So in each case you as an individual can make an informed decision based on the type of relationship at hand. I am looking forward to hearing your feedback on your personal experience with this topic. Thank you kindly for your continued love and support. Love and Light xxoo






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