Accountability in Relationships

What does love mean to you?
March 19, 2020
You getting on my last nerve! #triggerpointalert
March 24, 2020
What does love mean to you?
March 19, 2020
You getting on my last nerve! #triggerpointalert
March 24, 2020

Published by author Tracy Cyril on March 20th, 2020

Accountability plays a major role in relationships, many relationships fail or tend to be challenging due to one or both partners not willing to take responsibility for their short-comings.

From my personal experiences I have had failed relationships due to absence and lack thereof so I am here to share how to make that positive change in an effort to create more meaningful and authentic longer lasting relationships.

Accountability is the process whereby an individual owns their feelings and take responsibility for their contribution to the relationship.

Ways one can show accountability in their relationship:

  • Know yourself and your intentions
  • Be honest
  • Be open to feedback
  • Your words must match your actions
  • Be sincere about your reactions
  • Be willing to forgive your partner and yourself

After an individual is able to express themselves in ways listed above, then comes the benefits of being accountable;

  • Individuals are able to show control over their role in relationships.
  • Trust and Dependability is created in relationship.
  • There is a willingness to be honest and vulnerable to partner.
  • Partners are more comfortable to address hard topics or situations.

Thank you for reading article hopefully it has helped in some way. Share your feedback and stop by again. Love and Light

Photo credit: BuzzFeed/Pinterest


“Stop playing the blame game”- “


Firestone, Lisa –

1 Comment

  1. Shanique says:

    Let’s stop playing the blame game indeed.

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