Live out your dreams

Ego Diaries – Oversized or small?
July 11, 2023
That fete was pure vibes…
May 27, 2024
Ego Diaries – Oversized or small?
July 11, 2023
That fete was pure vibes…
May 27, 2024

Let us dive right in my fellow readers. We can first define the word ‘dreams” – it is a number of thoughts, ideas occurring during sleep; that can be a result of recent incidents, emotions during the day or previous days. It is also an individuals desired goals and aspirations.

Not withholding the fact that we have good and bad dreams. My grandmother use to say the bad dreams can be a reflection of something positive that can happen in reality to you or someone close to you. For example if you dreamt about someone dying it could be the birth of something new. However my purpose for this discussion is to focus on positive dreams and manifesting your goals.

Kindly see below a few ways we can manifest our positive dreams:

  • Prepare a vision board and use as a daily guide
  • Have a clear description of dreams
  • Create an action plan for dream implementation
  • Believe that those dreams can be your reality
  • Act like you are already living the dreams
  • Focus on positive affirmations
  • Set attainable and realistic timelines
  • Do not be deterred if all the pieces do not come together as planned
  • Stay motivated and creative

While growing up dreams were also viewed as a way for the imagination to run wild and an outlet for individuals to see themselves rising to success or in desired spaces where they could live their fullest potential. One would admire successful actors, authors, dancers, football players etc.and envision themselves in these roles in the future. Here goes the saying “follow your dreams”.

So in my personal experience, I have always been an avid reader of romance, action, mystery, non-fiction and fiction novels from a young age. And I envisioned myself creating a book of my own; clueless as to what would be the content or whether it would be fiction or non-fiction. Fast forward to the present I am filled with joy to inform I am now an author of my very own memoir. Never would I have imagined that the twists and turns that my life took would be the foundation for content to produce a memoir today. Only by God’s grace! Celebrate with me by purchasing my memory and use my experiences as a form of inspiration. Get your copy today –

I am here to motivate and empower you to follow your dreams, believe in your dreams and live out your dreams. Quiet the naysayers and focus on achieving these goals. Stay focus and do not quit, take much needed breaks but do not give up! Some days you may not receive the support from trusted friends and family; it is at these moments that you need to dig deep and get strength from within. Do it for you, make your soul happy and live your fullest potential. Thank you beloved readers for your continued support. Love and Light xxoo


  1. Dee Lee says:

    I have so many dreams! I just pray that I am blessed to achieve them all. Thanks for the reminder and encouragenent!

  2. Shirley Djedje says:

    I just love this, I’m so excited for you and very proud!! Keep your head to the sky, and don’t have any regrets. Always be aware of your journey and where it takes you. Continue to be very intentional about who deserves to be in your company, not merely for status, but mainly for respect.

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