Loose the excuses..start doing the work!

Confidence…mistaken for being bossy
April 8, 2020
8 unique adventures in Austin, Texas
April 18, 2020
Confidence…mistaken for being bossy
April 8, 2020
8 unique adventures in Austin, Texas
April 18, 2020

Published by author Tracy Cyril on April 13th, 2020

Now is the time to get off that couch and start living your fullest potential. Quit settling for mediocre and begin to dig deep within for what makes your soul sing!

I am speaking to you reading this article and thinking I can do this! I can start a blog as well and share my experiences but….. Let today be the death of all the reasons why you can not begin these things that you can not stop thinking about.

Photo credit: ourmindfullife/Pinterest

Whatever you believe is holding you back, it is not! You need to develop a new mindset that you can do this! and you need to take the first step today! The steps following the first step will be much easier. Start with what you have, start where you are, you will make mistakes and that will be fine. You will survive and learn from these mistakes and improve, approaching every step along the way could be scary however upon completion of each step you will be more relaxed and confident.

Photo credits: digitalaroma/Pinterest

Consider me as your biggest cheer leader, I am here to support you throughout this journey. Prepare to take risks, prepare to be uncomfortable, prepare for the unknown ahead, prepare for disappointment but continue to persevere. You owe it to yourself to take a chance on yourself and try to accomplish these goals today! Now is the time to refocus, restructure and reinvent yourself .

Photo credit: coremisadventures/Pinterest
Photo credit: gentwenty/Pinterest

From personal experiences our mind plays tricks on us. We have within us special skills and talent however if we continue to say we cannot do this and that then we will not. We are responsible for feeding positive energy to the brain and inturn that information from the brain will transform to action. So be mindful of your self talk; the information you feed or expose your brain too, that is what will show up in your actions. So start today; make a list with steps towards your goals. These steps on that list will enable you to accomplish your goals in an order that is comfortable to you. Be committed, be consistent and stay positive throughout the journey. You will make yourself proud. And remember win, lose or draw you are still a winner for making it to the finish line. Blessings.


  1. Gabrielle says:

    That is what I needed right now. Thank you for sharing!

  2. David says:

    With Covid-19 having its way with this planet many people – including me – will find this extremly helpful. Thanks T

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