Self Esteem; high and low chronicles..

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How traditions affect our lives..
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Published by author Tracy Cyril on March 15th, 2020

Self esteem is defined as confidence in one’s own worth and abilities. Self esteemed affects our lives in so many ways. I will explore lows, highs and ways to build self esteem within this article.

Photo credit; zazzle/pinterest

We will firstly identify causes of low self esteem:

  • Criticism from childhood
  • unsupportive parents and family members
  • physical scars
  • ongoing life stressful event
  • weigh gain or weight loss

Now we can explore mindset or thought pattern of individual with low self esteem;

  • I am a failure
  • No one likes me
  • I am ugly
  • I will never be able to finish this project on time
  • I am not enough

Then we map out solutions to build high self esteem;

  • Practise letting go of the past
  • Embrace fears
  • Goal setting
  • Positive daily routines
  • Reading daily affirmations
Photo credit; Jenessa Wait/pinterest

And here we have a Self Esteem Activity for our readers. Please comment and fill in the blanks for the questions below:

  1. It makes me happy when…………………………………………….
  2. One unique thing about me is……………………………………..
  3. My dad thinks I am awesome because………………………..
  4. I am proud of myself because………………………………………
  5. My co-workers say I am efficient because…………………..
  6. My husband admires me because……………………………….

Looking forward to your comments, feedback and answers to the activity statements. Love and Light!

Photo credit; Mike McClement/pinterest

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