That energy stealer called Stress – How do we cope?

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Published by author Tracy Cyril on August 24th, 2021

Let us first define the term Stress – It is a non-specific response of the body to any demand for change. Change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain.

We have all experienced stress at some point in our lives; for some of us it affects us worst than others and drastically interrupts our lives. We need to be aware of the triggers and learn how to cope effectively. This is no ride in the park; at times we may not be aware of how stressful our lives become and how the domino effect happens with everything else. I urge you to become more aware of your daily activities, habits and routines and make changes where necessary.

For those who may say they have the stress management in the bag; I am here to tell you easier said than done; it affects the best of us whether you realize it or not. That energy stealer is here to stay and it is a challenge to navigate.

What causes stress or what are stressors

  • unemployment
  • poor mental health
  • traumatic events or accidents
  • relationships
  • health issues
  • demanding jobs
  • long working hours
  • financial issues
  • unhappiness

What are the symptoms of Stress

  • easily agitated
  • poor judgement
  • lack of focus
  • feeling overwhelmed
  • low energy
  • headaches
  • avoiding others
  • tense muscles
  • difficulty relaxing
  • insomnia

Tips to cope with stress

  • Identify the sources of stress
  • Avoid situations, persons or things that trigger stress
  • Connect with supportive people
  • Create a balanced schedule
  • Seek support from a life coach
  • Exercise
  • Develop a hobby
  • Take a vacation
  • Practice gratitude
  • Manage your time

Photo credit: Amy Gorin Nutrition – Pinterest

My experience with stress has been a roll-a-coaster ride; at times I was certain that I had it under control; other times I was not aware that I was even stressed and it showed its ugly head in other parts of my life and other times I was clueless of how to avoid it. I have learnt to take it in strides; practice most of what I mentioned in the article to cope and pray for the best. Hopefully this article can help you or a friend at whichever stage they maybe in the stress-o-meter. Thank you from the bottom for your consistent support. Peace and Blessings xxoo


Photo credit: health line- Pinterest

1 Comment

  1. Dawn L says:

    I have been trying for the last two years to maintain healthy habits to keep my stress at a minimum. However, I haven’t been consistent. My greatest fear is that the constant stress will manifest in the form of physical ailments, so I am really digging deep to take control!

    Thanks for the reminder! XO

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